Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hildabrant update!

Hilda is doing really well. I was worried there for a few days, she didn't seem to be moving much. Today she has been all over her snail hospital (inside and outside) and ate practically an entire cucumber. She's not fond of celery, nor does she like cilantro but she he loves romaine and cucumber.

Her shell is just starting to heal up, but she's so active that I think she might be ready to go back outside soon. It's pretty funny, I was going to put her outside today since she crawled out of her jar to find some cucumber, I left her to it thinking that this would be her last super safe meal in the house, and when I came back she not only had eaten most of the cucumber but had crawled back into her snail hospital to nap!

I guess she's not quite ready to leave. Pig and I are going to be traveling come the middle of this month and if she's not ready to go by then I guess we will have to bring her with us and she will be forced to hang out with us until we travel back. I would rather she live outside by then, that's what the universe intended after all.

On an even stranger note I think my cat might be jealous of the attention I've been paying the snail.