I'm listening to myself singing backup on the radio right now. Our friend Henk is getting interviewed for "Enjoy it While It Lasts". The radio program is in Dutch, but it's still pretty awesome. I hear Ky's name (my brother) and get to hear him sing as well. Ky is super talented in everything music and sound related. The man has ears like diamonds. I don't have his amazing voice but simply by being his sister and being able to stay on key, I get to sing on a bunch of his projects.
I'm also doing the album art for his next project, Wilson, Fifer, Rose. The Kickstarter is almost to 4000.00 bucks They asked for a measly 2500.00. I have known these three guys forever. They really do sound great and the the music they are making is unbelievable.
Ky also did all the voice and sound effects for our Starwars Uncut clip "Yoda Suprise". He's pretty much our go to guy for anything sound related ever.
I did a lot of work on this bad boy and we don't even know if it's going to get into the final cut. It doesn't really matter since we did it just for the fun of it, but it would be nice.
I love it.
I just want to take a minute to revel in the fact that Ky is Awesome and that I get to bask in his left over glory.
I'm also doing the album art for his next project, Wilson, Fifer, Rose. The Kickstarter is almost to 4000.00 bucks They asked for a measly 2500.00. I have known these three guys forever. They really do sound great and the the music they are making is unbelievable.
The three stooges doing what they do best.
Ky also did all the voice and sound effects for our Starwars Uncut clip "Yoda Suprise". He's pretty much our go to guy for anything sound related ever.
I did a lot of work on this bad boy and we don't even know if it's going to get into the final cut. It doesn't really matter since we did it just for the fun of it, but it would be nice.
My favorite response so far, "Why is Luke dressed like a stripper?", I love my job.
I always forget to bask in the glow of finished projects. It seems like it would be second nature, but I tend to finish something and rush off to the next thing before I can even comprehend what I just did.
When did eating become a luxury?
The next set of things I'm working on besides the album art for WFR, consist of getting some music videos for "The Redtop Medusa Project" out.
We have two in the can and we just have to finish some editing stuff before we release them.
1. Nothing At All
Everything is done on the stop motion front. The issue here is that I did a bunch of Flash work for it as well and I always had a certain vision for it and I'm a neurotic motherf*****, so it's almost done. Just a few more tweaks to go.
Greg and I with the set during filming.

God we where tired.
2. Destroyer
This bad boy was a full 3D set and puppet smorgasbord. The puppets where beautiful and the animation was amazingly done. It's being edited together as I type. So it will be out soon since Greg is working on it and he's bad a**.
Look at this little guy so cute!

To bad someone is waiting in the shadows and he won't live another day.
I always have millions of idea's swimming in my head all at once and I never know what exactly is going to stick and what's going to be going by the wayside.
I'm not ready to put the next generation of ideas in print just yet, because then it becomes real. I'm just not ready for the new reality, at least not until I'm done with the old one.