Friday, November 23, 2012

I don't have a scale.

I never weigh myself. 
I'm more interested in feeling and looking healthy than losing or adding weight. 

I just want to be the best me that I can be. 

I have a long way to go, sad but true, but I could still kick your ass!

I know I'm heavy for my height and body type anyway, because I'm super stacked, and no I don't mean my boobs. I mean that I'm strong.

I use a couple of programs ( being one of them) that are supposed use weight to track what's going on in my body, but I flat out refuse to utilize those parts of the program. 

I just don't want to buy into all the female catty bull-crap, and obsessing over one's weight seems like one of those perfect traps. It's almost expected of a woman to complain about how fat she is only to have someone tell her "oh no you look great", It's like some sort of hierarchy is established among women to seem demure to the men folk. I think it's degrading. Perhaps that's why I have such a hard time keeping girl friends.

I didn't even comprehend what cattiness was until I went to grad school and it was so rampant that I had to figure out what the hell was going on, or drop out before I lost my mind. 

(I don't know that I figured it out completely, so it could be possible that I have lost my mind, just a warning)

It was after I graduated that I realized how catty most ladies are and I started phasing those types of "frenemies"  out of my life stat. I pretty much just quit responding to them. I think they might be mad at me, but I just don't want to play the "Catty Girl Bull-crap" game anymore, so I just stopped.

It was really good for me and for them. They where not ready to change and I was not able to put up with it anymore. Once you know something you can't un-know it and all that. I ceased being the person that they relied on to be able to stab in the back (or perhaps they still can I just quit caring and interacting with them). They became some sort of monster to me. Someone I couldn't even look at anymore. I was repulsed. 

The really screwed up thing was, that every one of those "frenemies" had such talent. Every. One. Of. Them. I guess I miss that the most.

It turns out that I can be pretty good pals with other Tom Boys, so those are they types of girl friends I look for now. They almost never complain about their weight! It's all about being healthy and getting shit done. Not stabbing others in the back so that you look better.