Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dreams of flying

I was being forced to choose between two men, one fat and rich and one sickly and scholarly. Both wanted something traditional, marriage.  I was unable to say no, but I was able to run.

I ran to a beautiful yet completely dilapidated building made of white with light and vines shining through the ceiling. It was like the ruins of a cathedral. The villagers followed me as did the men, and my companion, a beautiful girl, who was also my best friend.

The villagers started to clean up the cathedral, while my friend and I continued to try and find a way to escape the two men. I found passageways and hidden rooms with old and rusted mechanical devices. We explored and hid away in the recesses, playing with the devices and finding a sort of happiness together.

We finally came across a room with an old machine that used wind, gears, spider silk and a pulley system to make a person look like they where flying. The cathedral had housed a religion at one time and I had found the room where all the machinery for the false miracles where held. I got the machine working and with my friend at the controls, I decided to climb onto the armature. My friend flew me through the stained glass window and I crashed over the courtyard in a flurry of glass and confusion. I looked down to the villagers and the men and flew over them.

I escaped marriage to either of the men by becoming a saint.

The choice between two traditional ways of life, when all I want to do is tinker and explore with my best friend.