Every once in a while I find myself uninspired to do anything in the studio when there is a lot of work to be done.
I find that when I'm bogged down by the "I have to's" a simple decision to just do nothing today is all I need to find my inspiration.
This decision changes the time line I'm on. The one where I was going to force myself to work on projects and get easily frustrated and be all impatient because I didn't really want to be in the studio today. I wanted to be "elsewhere" doing other "things" which leads to feeling resentful towards my job because it's keeping me from being at said amorphous "elsewheres" and doing those undefined "things".
I just nip all that shit in the bud and decide right away that "I'm not doing anything today that I don't want to do."
It sounds funny I know. especially since my personal philosophy says that hard work is tantamount to getting what you want in life and I'm also a firm believer that if you want something in your world you have to make it happen. It seems like these idea's don't mix, but in reality it only works because I have these philosophies ingrained in my current world view.
So how does one keep working hard when every time you're uninspired you decide to just say "fuck it" and forget about it?
When I say to myself "screw this" and decide that I am not doing anything today, suddenly I don't feel any pressure to get anything done at all. Suddenly there is nothing I HAVE to do. My day is free to do anything I WANT, anything in the world. I have given myself permission to go skydiving or spend the day at the beach, do nothing, or play video games all day long. It's that feeling of freedom that's important. (You have to mean it. It really does have to be OK that you are going to do whatever you want today.)
Once I have that feeling of freedom and all that worry melts away, something wonderful happens. I simply do what I want to do, and I usually (not always) start working on a project that I'm really excited about doing. I spend as long as I want on it. I revel in tinkering, enjoy it to the best of my ability and if it stops being fun, I move onto the next thing I WANT to do and repeat the process. I usually end up getting more done in the studio this way than if I had just forced myself to go to work in the first place.
The reason this works is because I'm the type of person who likes to be doing something anyway. I also happen to be someone who actually loves their job. The truth is, that when I can choose to do anything, 99 times out of 100, I CHOOSE to work on a challenging project in the studio. It turns out that all those "things" I wanted to do, are at work.
The only thing I really changed was my perspective. I CHOSE something I wanted to do rather than FORCED myself to do what I thought I was supposed to do.
So today, I'm only going to do what I want to do.
<3 <3 Tiger
Today is such a day.
I find that when I'm bogged down by the "I have to's" a simple decision to just do nothing today is all I need to find my inspiration.
This decision changes the time line I'm on. The one where I was going to force myself to work on projects and get easily frustrated and be all impatient because I didn't really want to be in the studio today. I wanted to be "elsewhere" doing other "things" which leads to feeling resentful towards my job because it's keeping me from being at said amorphous "elsewheres" and doing those undefined "things".
I just nip all that shit in the bud and decide right away that "I'm not doing anything today that I don't want to do."
It sounds funny I know. especially since my personal philosophy says that hard work is tantamount to getting what you want in life and I'm also a firm believer that if you want something in your world you have to make it happen. It seems like these idea's don't mix, but in reality it only works because I have these philosophies ingrained in my current world view.
So how does one keep working hard when every time you're uninspired you decide to just say "fuck it" and forget about it?
It's simple really, it's like I'm playing a little game with myself on my life perspective.
When I say to myself "screw this" and decide that I am not doing anything today, suddenly I don't feel any pressure to get anything done at all. Suddenly there is nothing I HAVE to do. My day is free to do anything I WANT, anything in the world. I have given myself permission to go skydiving or spend the day at the beach, do nothing, or play video games all day long. It's that feeling of freedom that's important. (You have to mean it. It really does have to be OK that you are going to do whatever you want today.)
The reason this works is because I'm the type of person who likes to be doing something anyway. I also happen to be someone who actually loves their job. The truth is, that when I can choose to do anything, 99 times out of 100, I CHOOSE to work on a challenging project in the studio. It turns out that all those "things" I wanted to do, are at work.
The only thing I really changed was my perspective. I CHOSE something I wanted to do rather than FORCED myself to do what I thought I was supposed to do.
So today, I'm only going to do what I want to do.
<3 <3 Tiger