Sunday, March 24, 2013

How to Take Care of your Skin - The Tomboy Way.

I'm a tomboy, but doesn't mean that I don't take care of my skin. I'm not interested in wearing makeup, but I still fret about a giant zit on my face. There are several little things we can do to make our skin look it's best without using a ton of girly, over-marketed, products.

Starting with prevention. Do the tips below at least a week prior to any event.

1. Clean towel on your pillow at night
This is probably the easiest thing to do for the skin on your face. Every night before you go to bed put a clean towel down wherever you are going to be laying.

2. Drink lots of water
This is another easy thing to do, drink a lot of water and flush out your system, particularly during your period. Being hydrated helps keep zits at bay and enables quicker healing.

3. Eat less sugar
Acne is an "inflammatory" problem with the skin. Sugar tends to aggravate acne.

4. Drink less coffee
Coffee is also inflammatory and drinking less will help keep the zits from getting worse. Try drinking large amounts of green tea instead.

5. Get enough sleep
Ever hear of the term "beauty sleep"? There is a reason that term exists, your body heals during sleep. Your skin is your largest organ and needs that time to rejuvenate.

6. Cut the alcohol
Alcohol will dehydrate you, and that's the opposite of what you want to be doing when tying to make your skin look like a million bucks.

7. Vitamin A supplement
I worry about recommending this one because it's a fat soluble vitamin, and it has to be taken with care. You can OVERDOSE on Vitamin A. Don't take to much, only the recommended daily value.

Prevention is all well and good but what about now?

8. Bag Balm or Neosporin
I religiously use bag balm on my face most nights. My skin tends to be dry so this might not work for everyone. I particularly use this to help heal up zits that are either surfacing, or that have already blown their wad and are on their way out.

8. Dimethyl sulfoxide
Clean the area first, then use a sterile cotton swab. Put a little dab of DMSO on really bad "spots" and things look much better then next day. 

DMSO is a industrial solvent and is not to be used as a medication.

10. Aspirin
This is one of my favorite fixes if I'm having a particularly bad break out. I will dissolve a few non-coated aspirin in water and scrub my face with it, or put a nice dab of the paste right on a big zit and hang out for 5 or 10 min while I'm in the shower before washing it off. I like this one because Aspirin is the main ingredient for most commercial acne face scrubs. I'm doing it cheaper with no fuss. I always make sure to put on a moisturizer after exfoliating my skin.

11. IBUprofen
Remember the whole "inflammatory" issue? Well if you have a big zit and have somewhere to be, try taking a little IBUprofen to help reduce the inflammation. I usually use this in conjuncion with the next tip.

12. Ice
I take two IBUprofen's and grab some ice to put right on that sucker. That way you are taking the redness and swelling down from the inside and from the outside.

Finally, if you have a giant zit that just refuses to be conquered after everything I've suggested your only choice is to hide it, but that doesn't always mean makeup.

13. Visine
The eye drops that "Get the Red Out". It works on your skin too. Before I resort to putting cover-up on Mt. Vesuvius, I will try some Visine first. Just dab it on and let it absorb into your skin. The redness should receded in about 10 min.

14. Hide it in your hair
This is where bangs come in handy. If you can't get your zit to submit, style your hair to cover it up. If you hair has to be "up" put the back in a clip or ponytail and let your bangs hang in front of your eyes like an Emo kid. If your hair is short simply brush it forward for the night.

15. Scarf
If your hair doesn't cooperate, try putting a kerchief, a fancy scarf, or a headband in your hair.

16. Hat
All cute tomboys need a collection of hats to help keep their hair out of their face. Nothing's cuter than a tomboy in a great hat. Put that puppy on your head and stand proud ladies!

That's my "no makeup necessary" bag of tricks when it comes to tomboy skincare. Nothing difficult, girly, or expensive. If I missed anything important feel free to leave it in the comments!

Tomboys UNITE!